Monday 5 October 2015


Wow!!! this world is really turning into something else was my first reaction when I saw this news. I do not know how you will feel if you have a read through. My most fear is with the hope and future of my children and your children.

Just as the Lord prepared our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to save the world from hell so also He prepared you and I with the required package to dominate in this earth. But while men slept, the enemy truly sow tares.

The time to rise to the challenge is now! what areas are you gifted in, you never know, just an innovation from you, articles like this will never have been written because there will be no room for that thought.

How so true it is when it is said that when thoughts are not used positively it can lead to destruction. But positive thoughts brings life to a man and those around him. When the best some can do with the power of their thought is to bring evil to humanity, you and I can arise from mediocrity and our comfort zone and put to use that which is at work in us.

Read with me and bring out your best.....

You can study masturbation at Sheffield uni, but will there be homework?

You can study masturbation at Sheffield uni, but will there be homework?
The module is being run for English Literature students
University students are being given lectures on the art of masturbation.
Not, it seems, because they’re doing it wrong, but just to give them a heightened understanding.
Student newspaper The Tab reports students are being encouraged to do independent research.
A lecture, The Art of Masturbation, is being run for English Literature students at the University of Sheffield, with works including EK Sedgwick’s Jane Austin and The Masturbating Girl on the reading list.
The student newspaper also reports that a theory that Sense and Sensibility is an ‘extended lesbian hymn’ will also be discussed.
Be sure to take notes...
Be sure to take notes…
Dr Fabienne Collignon, one of the tutors behind the lecture, told The Tab: ‘The lecture will be on Walt Whitman, Rob Halpern and the deconstruction of masturbation.
‘It will argue how the writing of lyric poetry and masturbation always imagines an absent other, so that’s the basis.’
Student Laura Bell said: ‘I dread to think how graphic the lecture is going to be when the title alone is already banging on about wanking.
‘Lets hope there’s no practical work involved.’

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