This 12-year-old who helps the homeless totally puts everyone to shame
Makenna Breading-Goodrich collected 10,000 coats (Picture: Facebook/Makenna’s Coats for a Cause)

What did you get up this Christmas?
This 12-year-old girl will probably make you feel like you should have done more to help others.
Makenna Breading-Goodrich was worried about homeless people in her area – so she collected 1,000 coats for them.
She went door-to-door collecting coats, jackets and hoodies for the homeless.
Makenna, from Arizona, told People: ‘It gets really cold around here at night, like 30 degrees [Fahrenheit], and I want to make sure homeless people aren’t walking around without jackets or blankets at night!
‘I just want people to know someone cares about them.’
She’s even set up a charity, Makenna’s Coats for a Cause, collecting jackets on a red wagon.
The schoolgirl said: ‘Something small can make a big difference.
‘I want this to spread. A little kindness can inspire others!’