Thursday 22 October 2015


The rate at which young children use social media in this age is so alarming. it deprives them 25% of their sleep, a research said. Many parents believe they are showing their children love by buying or giving them gadgets that exposes them to social media at an early age, unfortunately, they are terminating the destiny of most of these children. where a young man has mental health issues early in life as a result of long term exposure to social media at an early age, what good has the parents done in raising such a child?

Proverbs 22:6, gives parents the mandate to train their children in the way they should go and not to destroy their future by what they are exposed to during their young ages.

I believe this article has come timely for every parent with younger children out there. Let us take the message in the article important and pass it on to our friends and well wishers. Maybe here is where the old saying that a lot of us did not realise on time that it was not in the bible, come to play- "HEAVEN HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES". Let heed and take action. May we never have cause to weep over our children or pray prayers that could have been avoided had we taken prompt actions in Jesus name! amen!!!

Read with me and pass it on.

Kids who spend more than 3 hours a day on social media more likely to have mental health issues

Kids who spend more than 3 hours a day on social media twice as likely to have mental health issues
Overuse of social media sites in children can lead to mental health issues (Picture: Getty Images)
Children who spend more than three hours a day on social media sites are twice as likely to have mental health issues, ONS data suggests.
Between 2012 and 2013, 37 per cent of children spent no time on social media but 56 per cent spent up to three hours and eight per cent spent more than three hours on social networking sites, the Office for National Statistics found.
The ONS report found higher levels of emotional problems, social issues, hyperactivity and poor behaviour among youngsters who spent long periods of time on sites like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
(Picture: Getty Images)
The ONS report warned against the dangers of social networking (Picture: Getty Images)
‘Of those children who spent more than three hours on a social website on a normal school day, around 27% reported high or very high total difficulties scores,’ the report said.
‘This is more than double the proportion of those children spending no time on social websites on a normal school day (12%) and the proportion spending up to 3 hours a day on a social website (11%).’
The report added:
‘While they may provide an additional way to connect with others and form relationships and thus increase children’s mental health, they could also be a source of social comparison, cyber bullying and isolation, reducing children’s mental health.’

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