Thursday, 19 March 2015


I know that the solution of this problems lies in you. Rise up today and save our nation. Stop seating on the backseat. Your contribution can save lives and save a nation.
Sitting and watching or engaging outside your purpose will continue to endanger lives and destroy a nation/ generation. What are you, a prime minister to be, the best scientist, doctor etc doing misusing drugs or dropping out of school?
It is not too late to start again if that be the case, for He who has sent you is able to empower you and carry you through, once you are ready. Anyone can have a fresh start if they are willing, for He is just and able to forgive and make your life new.
Read this story and think of how you can help. There is greatness inside of you, the solution lies within you. Do something different today for you have what it takes.

British society is among the world’s most harmful to its citizens

Rob Waugh

Rob Waugh for 18 Mar 2015 9:19 am

Decisions made by politicians in the UK lead to avoidable deaths, a University of Birmingham academic has claimed (Picture Getty)

Political policies including austerity measures have turned Britain into one of the world’s most harmful societies to its own citizens.

Choices made by politicians in Britain have led to an increase in preventable injuries and deaths, according to new research from the University of Birmingham.

Alongside the U.S. and Australia, Britain is one of the world’s most harmful societies, according the University’s Dr Simon Pemberton.

Dr Pemberton said: ‘Every year, thousands of adults and children in the UK die or are injured as a result of preventable events.

‘For example, more than 18,000 people in England and Wales die because of the effects of winter, while 29,000 lives are ended prematurely from air pollution and 13,000 people across Britain die from lung disease or cancers contracted via the workplace.


A new book, Harmful Societies, by Dr Pemberton, an expert on social harm – defined as the avoidable injuries caused by the way a society is organised – looks at measures such as suicide, road traffic accidents, obesity, poverty and unemployment across 31 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.

Liberal societies such as the UK, US and Australia are among the most harmful to their citizens, and the austerity programmes unfolding across Europe are likely to increase the ‘social harms’ experienced by people in those countries, Pemberton says.

Dr Pemberton says, ‘Far from being inevitable events, such social harms are the result of the way we choose to organise our societies. There is no “natural” rate of death from the cold, road traffic injuries or obesity, nor are there natural rates of poverty, financial insecurity or social isolation.

‘In close proximity to the United Kingdom, there are countries that are much better than our own at preventing premature death and other harms. This research challenges politicians and their advisers to learn lessons from similarly-placed countries so that practical policies can be developed to reduce unnecessary and preventable harms.’


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